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Daily Reading for Sunday, July 14th, 2024
Daily Reading for Sunday July 14, 2024
Reading 1, Amos 7:12-15Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14
Gospel, Mark 6:7-13
Reading 2, Ephesians 1:3-14
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Past / Future Daily Readings
Reading 1, Amos 7:12-15
12 To Amos himself Amaziah said, 'Go away, seer, take yourself off to Judah, earn your living there, and there you can prophesy!
13 But never again will you prophesy at Bethel, for this is a royal sanctuary, a national temple.'
14 'I am not a prophet,' Amos replied to Amaziah, 'nor do I belong to a prophetic brotherhood. I am merely a herdsman and dresser of sycamore-figs.
15 But Yahweh took me as I followed the flock, and Yahweh said to me, "Go and prophesy to my people Israel."
Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14
9 His saving help is near for those who fear him, his glory will dwell in our land.
10 Faithful Love and Loyalty join together, Saving Justice and Peace embrace.
11 Loyalty will spring up from the earth, and Justice will lean down from heaven.
12 Yahweh will himself give prosperity, and our soil will yield its harvest.
13 Justice will walk before him, treading out a path.
Gospel, Mark 6:7-13
7 Then he summoned the Twelve and began to send them out in pairs, giving them authority over unclean spirits.
8 And he instructed them to take nothing for the journey except a staff -- no bread, no haversack, no coppers for their purses.
9 They were to wear sandals but, he added, 'Don't take a spare tunic.'
10 And he said to them, 'If you enter a house anywhere, stay there until you leave the district.
11 And if any place does not welcome you and people refuse to listen to you, as you walk away shake off the dust under your feet as evidence to them.'
12 So they set off to proclaim repentance;
13 and they cast out many devils, and anointed many sick people with oil and cured them.
Reading 2, Ephesians 1:3-14
3 Blessed be God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with all the spiritual blessings of heaven in Christ.
4 Thus he chose us in Christ before the world was made to be holy and faultless before him in love,
5 marking us out for himself beforehand, to be adopted sons, through Jesus Christ. Such was his purpose and good pleasure,
6 to the praise of the glory of his grace, his free gift to us in the Beloved,
7 in whom, through his blood, we gain our freedom, the forgiveness of our sins. Such is the richness of the grace
8 which he has showered on us in all wisdom and insight.
9 He has let us know the mystery of his purpose, according to his good pleasure which he determined beforehand in Christ,
10 for him to act upon when the times had run their course: that he would bring everything together under Christ, as head, everything in the heavens and everything on earth.
11 And it is in him that we have received our heritage, marked out beforehand as we were, under the plan of the One who guides all things as he decides by his own will,
12 chosen to be, for the praise of his glory, the people who would put their hopes in Christ before he came.
13 Now you too, in him, have heard the message of the truth and the gospel of your salvation, and having put your trust in it you have been stamped with the seal of the Holy Spirit of the Promise,
14 who is the pledge of our inheritance, for the freedom of the people whom God has taken for his own, for the praise of his glory.
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